弘 望 有 限 公 司

 成立於1989年,為德國知名化工廠商 RECKLI GmbH 大中華地區獨家代理商,以台北總公司為核心,經營台灣與海外市場,並自2006年起,分別於廣州與昆山常設營業辦事處,為中國大陸市場之客戶提供穩定優質的產品與服務。我們的經營理念為「以人為本,以客為尊,誠信務實,永續經營」,在建築與陶瓷模具業界已累積20年以上之專業服務經驗,始終堅持完善的品質管理與供應效率,並隨時不斷地學習先進的產品技術概念與創新的市場價值,以協助顧客提升整體生產效能。

銷售產品: 創意造型模板、多元醇彈性材、環氧樹脂、相關應用化工材料等。

Whole Globe Enterprise Co., Ltd 

was founded in 1989. We are the exclusive agent of RECKLI GmbH in Taiwan and China area. Our head office is based in Taipei, mainly focuses on the Taiwan and overseas markets. Since 2006, we have established branch offices in Guangzhou and Kunshan to offer high quality products and quick-response service locally in the China market. We believe in values: human capital, customer relationship, integrity and pragmatic, and sustainable development. With over 20-year sales and service experience in the construction and ceramic mould industries, we have already gained prestigeous reputation and strong reliability from our customers, and kept persuing the most advanced technology and market innovation. Most importantly, we persist in stringent quality control and supply efficiency so as to help customers to improve productivity as a whole.

Product Sales: Creative Formliner, Polyurethane Elastomer, Epoxy Resin, and Auxiliary Chemical Materials.

台北市110基隆路1段432號8樓之6  whole.globe@msa.hinet.net
+886-2-8789-0880  / +886-2-8789-0818
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